Paid to Click is an opportunity to the people, who want to earn money. This program is offered by many sites, but not all the sites can be expected to money.
Paid to click sites attract advertisers and make them buy ads at some cost based on the number of views (for eg: 1$ for 1000 views) and from that money, they pay some to the viewers.

 Not all the Paid to click sites pay, there so many scam sites which do not pay, there are also some sites that offer payment.  

Steps to follow before registering at any of Paid to Click sites:

Step 1:
          Search about the site in the and view the site that display the information about PTCs. Following are some of the sites that offer information about PTCs

and the list does not end here.

Caution: Some blogs display the new sites  to refer you to those sites.

Step 2:
            Check for the following terms in the sites:

       Minimum payout : This amount you need to accumulate in order to request payment. This may range from $ 0.10 - $ 10.00
 Never join the site with minimum payout greater than $10.

       No. of Advertisements:  The number of advertisements differ for different members. Some sites display more ads to the premium members than the standard ones. In order to become a premium you need subscriptions.

       Rate per Click: This amount you will get for each valid clicks as per the site. Mostly the rates are in a range of $ 0.003 to 0.01 and if they provide more, never join them they may be a scam site.

       Processing Period: This is the minimum period for processing the payment. Join the sites that offer instant payment.

        Rate for referral clicks: The amount you get for the click from the referrals.

Step 3: 
            Join the following e-payment processors:

This may help in receiving the payments.         
Step 4:
      Join the site and start clicking.

Step 5:
      In order to earn more refer other people by advertising the banners for free in the sites such as Top Tier Traffic etc. or post the referral links in the social network communities.

Enjoy Earning from Paid to Click Programs

List of scam sites:

and the list extends here

List of Legitimate PTC sites from my analysis.

Never get addicted to PTC.
This should be considered as part time incomes

Below are some of the Paid to Click programs that might give you earnings online

And you may analyze the sites from the voting they have got by visiting the

Votes for the site

What is Equity ?

Equity is the residual claim or interest of the most junior class of investors in assets, after all liabilities are paid. If valuations placed on assets do not exceed liabilities, negative equity exists. In an accounting context, Shareholders' equity (or stockholders' equity, shareholders' funds, shareholders' capital or similar terms) represents the remaining interest in assets of a company, spread among individual shareholders of common or preferred stock.

Rule 1: Be a Investor, Not a Trader
Unlike Trader, Investor is one who has long term perspective view on stock. The equities usually goes through the bullish (upward) trend and bearish (downward) trend in a cylic manner. Identify the bearish trend  and buy the stocks.
Rule 2: Before money, invest time and effort
Put time and effort to understand the markets, economy, industries and companies. Study about stock’s performance and company growth in future and invest money when you have done enough analysis.
Rule 3: Buy at right price
Buy the equity at the price that you are comfortable paying based on your analysis. Don’t respond to the market sentiments (i.e. when others buy or sell don’t get tempted to follow them).
Rule 4: Diversified portfolio is best
“Do not put all your eggs in the same basket”-This will make you reduce risks and maximise your returns by investing into Fixed deposits, mutual funds and equities. While investing in equities, invest in different sectors.
Rule 5: Focus on fundamentals
Never get tempted to market sentiments, do fundamental research about the company by analysing the ratios, balance sheet and then consider buying, if th stocks are strong fundamentally.
Rule 6: Understand the business of the company
Try to understand the business operations of company, before investing so that you will get to know the future of the company. This will make you understand the effects of economy and industry changes on the company’s business.
Rule 7:Invest your money
Never borrow money to invest, since faulty investment may lead to loss. So, always try to invest the surplus money that you will not need in immediate future.

Rule 8: Invest regularly and gradually build up your portfolio
The stock market seems to be volatile. Investing money in small amounts, when the markets are bullish, so that you can invest more in bearish  markets by reducing the purchase price.
Rule 9: Monitor your portfolio
Check the companies you have invested, compare the results and the performance of the company. Thus you will be able to sell the shares when the company faces any serious trouble from the